Actor Audition Qualifications to be Considered for an Audition Slot
- Actors must be 18 years or older at the time of the audition.
- Actors must be a current individual member of the Colorado Theatre Guild OR apply for a membership fee waiver. Waivers can be applied for during the application process.
- Actors must have at least 5 performance credits from recognized theatrical organizations* (see definition below) OR be a recent graduate (last 2 years) from a theatre training program having received an undergraduate THEATRE degree (BA, BFA, etc.) by or before 5/31/24.
- *Recognized theatrical organizations: Any producing entity that is mounting theatrical entertainment in which actors are either paid (union or non-union) or unpaid volunteers. These DO NOT include; high school, college, religious or any pay-to-play educational productions.
- Actors must be available for an audition time slot on Sunday, April 21 (12pm-8pm) and/or Monday, April 22 (10am-6pm). Actors will be able to list a preferred day, but we cannot guarantee a specific time.
- Actors must disclose if they are members of any theatrical union.
- Actors should generally be available for year round work.
Actor Process to Audition
- Eligible Actors sign up online. ACTOR APPLICATION SIGN-UP WINDOW: Actors will be able to submit an application until March 10, 2024. Submitting an application does not guarantee a spot in the auditions.
- Pre-screening materials will include: audition application, performance resume and current headshot. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- The Unified Auditions are produced by the Colorado Theatre Guild and are a benefit of membership.
- There is NO FEE to submit an application, however actors selected to audition must be individual members of CTG..
- There is NO FEE for actors who are CTG members (CTG member Benefits Link). CTG membership is open to all. Annual Individual memberships are $50. For more information or to join: Join Us – Colorado Theatre Guild
- The CTG board has set aside a limited amount of funding to cover CTG membership for actors in need. This will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Actors who are not CTG members but who need assistance with the membership fee may request a scholarship to cover some or all of the fee. This request is made as part of the initial application. CTG works hard to ensure that economic need is not a barrier to participate in this audition event. Scholarships for membership are available year round as funding permits.
- Resumes/Applications will be reviewed by a committee who will select actors based on qualification criteria. All qualified actors may not be selected due to limited slots.
- Actors will be notified regarding the scheduled day and time of audition by late March/early April 2024.
- CTG affirms that representation matters. Actors from underserved populations including recent graduates (past two years), BIPOC individuals, and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. In the event that there are more actor applications than slots available, CTG will prioritize underserved populations.
- Following successful submission of pre-screening materials, actors will be selected to perform at the live auditions. Actors will be assigned a day and time for their audition.
- Actors should note that not all of our member theatres participate in these auditions. We will post a list of participating theatres as they become available. Even then, we cannot guarantee attendance by all theatres as there may be last minute cancellations.
- Live auditions will take place on Sunday, April 21 (12pm-8pm) and Monday, April 22 (10am-6pm) at Aurora Fox Arts Center located at 9900 E Colfax Ave, Aurora, CO 80010.
- For questions or concerns email: CTGunifieds@gmail.com
No longer taking Actor Applications – Deadline was March 10. We look forward to serving you next year.
Actor Audition Preparation Instructions
- Live Auditions are limited to 2 minutes, up from 1.5 mins last year. Auditions could include one monologue, two monologues or a single monologue and a song. It is up to performers to decide the length of the individual components of their material, but auditions cannot exceed 2 minutes. Actors will be stopped if they go over time. Actors are encouraged to find contrasting material that showcases performer strengths. Audition material will not need to be selected until the day of the audition.
- INTRODUCTION: Use the following basic script for actor introduction: “My name is [your name]”. No slating. No need to announce audition material.
- Your 2 minutes DOES NOT include your introduction.
- There will be an accompanist – NO pre-recorded accompaniment, self accompaniment or a cappella singing. Please bring sheet music in a format that is easy to read, including a well-marked beginning and end that provides for easy page turning.